Paola Skye is a Spain-based fitness model and internet celebrity. She’s quickly became known for her curvy glutes, which she proudly showcases to her fans from the world over. Paola is also a rising model with an impressive portfolio – working with numerous fashion and sports brands.

As a fitness influencer, Paola’s lifestyle revolves around training hard in the gym, watching her diet, and ensuring adequate rest.
Her busy schedule sometimes makes it hard to stick to her fitness routine, but Paola makes no excuses. She keeps pushing past the obstacles on her quest to become the best version of herself.
Ever since she started her online career, Paola has grown into a worldwide sensation. She continues to rise in recognition and influence while encouraging others to live life to its fullest.

As a huge fan of super-sets and drop reps, Paola often keeps her workouts short and intense. The same applies to her glute training sessions

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